the man who would be kingの特集だよ♪可愛いのもいっぱいあるよ♪

TOP > The Man Who Would Be King【電子書籍】[ Lewis Stockton ]

The Man Who Would Be King【電子書籍】[ Lewis Stockton ]

<p>Andreas Vandersryke is a simple man with a shaded past. Nexanda Tora is a Dragonkin youngling who has escaped her horrible past. The who bumped into each other and now travel together. A vast boom in technology has shifted the Ilmarian Imperium into the Flintlock Era, pushing forward with Cannon and rifle, the age of Magic was thought to be dying with the rise of the Gunslingers. Using gunpowder as their fuel, Gunslingers are the rising stars in magic. Able to use their magical powers to control explosions, musket balls mid-flight and gunpowder. Following Andreas and Nexanda as they uncover the dangerous and dark "Hand of Orasil", learn about the history of Nexanda's lost heritage and uncover whom Andreas Vandersryke really is and why he is out to kill the King.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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